Solo is a game coded for the trijam #257 (Coding a game in 3hour with the theme : "Try once"). 

How to play "Solo" : 
It's easy. You're goal is to find the only card to have a single pattern among the nine cards diplayed on screen. Be concentrate, you've got only one try ! 

  • The system will show you, during few seconds, the face of the nine cards.
  • Then the system return the cards and shuffle them several times. 
  • You had to track the good one, to click with mouse or finger in mobile on it while the system let you choose. 
  • Be concentrated, you've got only one try ! 
  • If it's the good card, you sore and you continue
  • If it's not the good one : Game Over !  

Credits : 

Behind the scenes : 
In fact, I spend about 3H30 on it (coding, making assets, searching sounds & fonts resources) ! The time of conception and publishing in this platform is not included in this timing. Even if I spend more time than allowed by the jam'rules, I'm still happy with my improvments during it.

It's my second "3H GameJam", and I start to deal a little bit better with my organisaton ;-)
Before start coding and creating graphism, I  list every object / methods and assets I had to create.  I prepare a checklist of everything to tracks my improvments. 
I was quite good on the respect of my theorical timing but I go wrong while I try to pause the tweening of my game...  I try differents solutions without success... 


To follow me on instagram : @_laabo_ (Animation / Drawing / Game Coding ...) 


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Trop bien ! Le jeu est super clean vu la durée de création !

Bravo !!

Merci beaucoup !!!!

Deleted 298 days ago

Really nice game ! Really pretty too, well done !

oooh Thanks you so much for your  very nice comment ! I really appreciate you give a try to my game ... 🙌

Trop bien ! En plus faire un jeu fonctionnel en 3h (~30) c'est super dur. Chapeau 👏

Roooh merciiiii pour ton commentaire et d'avoir pris le temps de tester !